
What is Bruxism?

What is Bruxism?

Grinding your teeth can cause more problems than you may be aware of. You may have bruxism if you grind your teeth unconsciously while sleeping or during the day. Learn more about bruxism, its symptoms, and how we treat it at Smile Solutions of Maine in Waterville and...

Dental Crown Post-Op Care

Dental Crown Post-Op Care

Dental crowns work well for covering up damaged or weakened teeth. Smile Solutions of Maine offers professional dental crown services to help you regain your healthy smile. Our compassionate and experienced staff in Waterville and Winthrop, Maine, treats each patient...

How Often Should You Visit The Dentist?

How Often Should You Visit The Dentist?

You have likely heard that you need to see the dentist twice a year for a regular checkup. This is a good rule of thumb for most people, but the frequency of your visits to the dentist could be different based on your individual dental needs. Smile Solutions of Maine...

5 Different Types of Dentures

5 Different Types of Dentures

If you're missing multiple teeth, or due to periodontal disease multiple teeth have to be removed dentures may be an excellent option. Dentures give you a natural-looking smile and make it possible to adapt and enjoy your favorite foods. There are several types of...

The Importance of Sports Mouthguards

The Importance of Sports Mouthguards

Kids and adults who play sports run the risk of dental injuries due to impact on the face during practice or a game. A sports mouthguard can't prevent a ball from hitting you hard in the face, but it can lessen the damage caused by the impact. Sports-related dental...

How To Prepare Your Child For The Dentist

How To Prepare Your Child For The Dentist

A trip to the family dentist can make even the bravest adult a bit anxious. So, it's no surprise that many children are also intimidated by the dentist’s chair. The strange, sterile environment and unusual tools can make any child nervous about getting their teeth...